tests in hdd doubt

Any ideas, thoughts - not necessary related to Hard Disk Sentinel.
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tests in hdd doubt

Post by cloudff7 »

1) Does any software test show whether the HDD is new or used and whether the firmware/bios has been changed by someone?

2) What software test on HDD is good to identify whether it is in good condition?
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Re: tests in hdd doubt

Post by hdsentinel »

> 1) Does any software test show whether the HDD is new or used and whether the firmware/bios has been changed by someone?

Hard Disk Sentinel.
Not only it shows the current power on time, start/stop count and all further details immediately, but also the Disk menu -> Device Specific Information page helps to get even more details: for example the internal error log / error counter and internal self test logs / statistics (if supported by the disk drive).
This can help to reveal if there is a "trick": for example if the drive shows some hours power on time (so seems like new) but the internal self test log / error log may show records from a later point, eg. when the drive used for many days/weeks (or even more).

See: https://www.hdsentinel.com/device-specific-information.php
for more details.

> 2) What software test on HDD is good to identify whether it is in good condition?

Hard Disk Sentinel.
It designed exactly to DO NOT only show the current status but also perform many different kind of tests exactly to reveal any (even minor) issue (and fix it) or confirm that the drive is working correctly in all aspects: no delays, no slower areas, no retries (in addition to problems with any sector).

See: Support -> Frequently Asked Questions -> Hard disk health is low or recently changed or I just installed a new (used) hard disk. How can I perform a deep analysis?
for more details as it suggests many tests to be used to surely verify/confirm the operation of the hard disk drive (or SSD, or flash storage: pendrive, memory card etc.)
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