Thanks for your message and information.
However, I can confirm that these are not really bugs.
1. Please check the Help file - which has information about the darker blocks:
(Help -> Hard Disk Tests -> Surface test section):
During the tests, Hard Disk Sentinel verifies the integrity of each sectors under the displayed blocks. If the block is accessible and can be processed without errors, they are shown by green color. Darker green color means that the sectors are slower and harder to process. The software filters out the effect of slower transfer times at the end of the disks. If sectors are harder to access and can be processed only after one or more retries, then the blocks are damaged but repaired, the software shows the corresponding blocks with yellow. Red color means that the block of sectors cannot be processed (read or written - according the selected test). Further WRITE test may be required to force the drive to reallocate the problematic sector(s) in the block.
Generally, darker blocks mean that the hard disk seems processing slower than expected. In most cases this does not cause much problems, but if the color is much darker (meaning the performance is much slower) then it can be a sign of possible problems, especially if the hard disk health is low, as described at ... ectors.php
2. It is a known limitation of this RAID controller: it is not really possible to determine which logical drive is associated with which physical drive(s)/array managed by this controller, as you can see.
For this controller, proper logical drive information would be displayed if
- there would be one big RAID array (from all drives configured on that RAID controller)
- if there would be no RAID array configured (all drives would be standalone)
Please check
viewtopic.php?f=32&t=7812&p=10734&hilit ... ion#p10748
for more information about a similar situation.
Constantly working on improving the detection and compatibility, so I'd suggest to use Report menu -> Send test report to developer option as it can help.
I also recommend to use the Comment field in the main window (a line with "Click here to add comment ..." text). This is designed exactly to allow users to enter any information about the particular hard disk, for example the different logical drive and so.