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Can other programs read or be notified of the HD Sentinel health status?

Posted: 2023.11.25. 12:20
by wwcanoer
In preparation to dedupe my USB drives, last year I catalogued all of my disks with WinCatalog. Now that I finally get back two the project, two of my disks are failing, with 10% health! Both a source disk and one of its backups.

Although I surely had Hard Disk Sentinel installed, I didn't notice any warnings. It's possible that there were none but perhaps I simply missed them.

Is it possible for other programs to read or be notified of the health status calculated by Hard Disk Sentinel?

It would be nice if when I added or updated a drive to WinCatalog that it read the HD Sentinel health status and flagged if there's any warnings. Duplicate Cleaner Pro is another program that I periodically use with my USB HDDs.

I'll take a look at the optional warning notifications and turn more on so that I don't miss them again.

Re: Can other programs read or be notified of the HD Sentinel health status?

Posted: 2023.11.27. 12:26
by hdsentinel
Yes of course, Hard Disk Sentinel offers many ways to "communicate" with other software: any software / script can read the detected status, health, temperature (and generally any other) information detected by Hard Disk Sentinel.

Please check these pages for some details about how to export status by WMI or XML which can be processed by any ways you prefer:

The pages show simple script samples about how to get/display information about hard disk drives / SSDs.

There is a tutorial to be connect with Nagios:

And you can find other examples at Products -> Add-ons page:
eg. Powershell examples about how to get status from Hard Disk Sentinel.

So you may make your own scripts/solutions or suggest the above for the developer of the other software, I'm sure the above can give ideas, thoughts.

Re: Can other programs read or be notified of the HD Sentinel health status?

Posted: 2023.12.17. 21:40
by wwcanoer
Thank you! I'll pass that info to the developer of WinCatalog because that's where it would be useful to me. But I have no idea how many of his users might have HD Sentinel installed or would install it if WinCatalog had that capability.