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HDsentinel 0.20.10851 with parameter -solid

Posted: 2023.08.30. 08:16
by Leole
in the new hdsentinel version 0.20.10851 the paramater -solid does not show valid power on hours values.
It looks like

Code: Select all

./hdsentinel -solid
/dev/sda  ?   ? 4951452 QEMU____QEMU_HARDDISK ?                  32767
/dev/sdb 33 100 4951452 ST18000NM000J-2TV103  ZR5BW2AG        17166336
/dev/sdc 25 100 4951452 Verbatim_Vi550_S3     493522354831136   488386
The previous version 0.19c.9986 works as expected

Code: Select all

./hdsentinel.19 -solid
/dev/sda  ?   ? 4924908 QEMU____QEMU_HARDDISK ?                  32767
/dev/sdb 33 100    7471 ST18000NM000J-2TV103  ZR5BW2AG        17166336
/dev/sdc 25 100    7378 Verbatim_Vi550_S3     493522354831136   488386
Can you correct this ?

Thanks and regards

Re: HDsentinel 0.20.10851 with parameter -solid

Posted: 2023.08.30. 15:11
by hdsentinel
Seems so interesting as generally the -solid parameter (or anything "near" the reporting the power on time) is not changed at all.

Can you please send complete reports (generated with -r switch) to info (at) hdsentinel (dot) com address by both the previous and the latest version?
Then I can compare the detected power on time values in general and check specifically as I suspect the issue is somehow related to your dev/sda drive (the value is weird for that by both versions).

Re: HDsentinel 0.20.10851 with parameter -solid

Posted: 2023.08.31. 07:33
by Leole
i have send you the requested reports by email.

Thanks and regards

Re: HDsentinel 0.20.10851 with parameter -solid

Posted: 2023.08.31. 07:49
by Leole
Hello again,

if i compare the smart values in both reports i get the same in in both.

Code: Select all

No.  Attribute                Thre.. Value  Worst  Data 
9    Power On Time Count      50     100    100    000000001CEA (7402 in decimal)
9    Power On Time Count      0      92     92     000000001D47 (7495 in decimal)
These values are correct in this case. But as mentined before only old hdsentinal -solid display correct values.


Re: HDsentinel 0.20.10851 with parameter -solid

Posted: 2023.08.31. 08:35
by Leole
hdsentinel wrote: 2023.08.30. 15:11 Seems so interesting as generally the -solid parameter (or anything "near" the reporting the power on time) is not changed at all.

Can you please send complete reports (generated with -r switch) to info (at) hdsentinel (dot) com address by both the previous and the latest version?
Then I can compare the detected power on time values in general and check specifically as I suspect the issue is somehow related to your dev/sda drive (the value is weird for that by both versions).
To clarify i only interested on /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc

Re: HDsentinel 0.20.10851 with parameter -solid

Posted: 2023.08.31. 11:18
by hdsentinel
Thanks for the files, I'll check what could be the issue. Thanks for your attention.

Maybe you can use -onlydevs option and specify the /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc devices to check and report details only for them (new option in the 0.20 version), this may give different results now.

Re: HDsentinel 0.20.10851 with parameter -solid

Posted: 2023.08.31. 12:16
by Leole
hdsentinel wrote: 2023.08.31. 11:18 Thanks for the files, I'll check what could be the issue. Thanks for your attention.

Maybe you can use -onlydevs option and specify the /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc devices to check and report details only for them (new option in the 0.20 version), this may give different results now.

i have tried /hdsentinel -solid with additional parameter
-dev /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc
-devs /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc
-onlydevs /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc
-nodevs /dev/sda

but allways the same incorrect power on hours values

Thanks and regards

Re: HDsentinel 0.20.10851 with parameter -solid

Posted: 2023.12.05. 12:14
by hdsentinel
Can you please check:

(assuming you use the 64 bit Linux version).

It should correctly show the power on time with -solid option too.

Thanks for your attention and patience.

Re: HDsentinel 0.20.10851 with parameter -solid

Posted: 2023.12.18. 11:17
by Leole

i have testet

-solid option works now as expected.

Thanks and regards