Misleading Subject in Email Alert

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Misleading Subject in Email Alert

Post by MissingSectors »

I received an email with the subject "Hard Disk Sentinel: Low disk space (PCNAME) [95 %]".
My initial thought was that one of the disks was 95% full.

Looking near the bottom of the email is a section titled "Partition Information":


So one disk has 11% free space and the other has 95% free.

Have I misinterpreted what this email means or is there a way to change the metrics it is reporting?
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Re: Misleading Subject in Email Alert

Post by hdsentinel »

Sorry for the possible troubles or confusion, but no, it is not misleading.

The e-mail subject designed to contain as much information as possible - by the limited space.

So it contains
- the origin which is sending (Hard Disk Sentinel)
- the reason why sent (Low disk space)
- the actual computer name to identify the system (PCNAME)
- the lowest Health % value of all drives

So yes, the value [95 %] is the lowest health % of all drives in the system.
This is independent from the free space alert /free space threshold configured.
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Re: Misleading Subject in Email Alert

Post by MissingSectors »

Thanks for the explanation.

A source of confusion was that the lowest heath rating of all drives was 95% which just happened to be the free space on one of the drives - a value I was looking for given the subject.
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