Hard drive fixed health but slow speed
Posted: 2021.12.18. 10:03
Hello, I have had problems copying a few files while backing up a 2tb 2.5 hard drive via USB so I ran a surface test and it showed errors and dropped to 95%. Then I changed the enclosure and ran a second test. Now it's 100% health but the end part of the drive has write speeds at about 100-2000 kb/s. Is it safe to use the drive, or is it going to die soon. Maybe I should re-test via SATA? Thanks in advance
Update: It's showing error 7 read element failed on a self-test and the speed is slow in the beginning, I gave up on the drive.
Update: It's showing error 7 read element failed on a self-test and the speed is slow in the beginning, I gave up on the drive.