Add Drive Number to Email Warnings

Any new ideas, possible impromevents for future versions.
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Add Drive Number to Email Warnings

Post by CTow »

Good day,
I think the title says it.
I have 36 drives and an "Over Temp" or "Low Disk Space" or "Current Status" title over a "This message was sent with high importance" leaves me with a lot of searching to find the errant drive. Is it possible to:
1- add the drive number that triggered the email to the email title
2- add the ability to filter for Over Temperature etc.

I am a new user so I might be missing something.

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Re: Add Drive Number to Email Warnings

Post by hdsentinel »

Thanks for your message and the suggestion, yes, to make things easier, the affected drive number may be added to the subject line in a future version.

Until that, you may try the following:
1) try to search (maybe CTRL+F or similar in your mail app) for the word "overheat" to quickly show which drive affected
2) on Configuration -> Message settings page, you can set the "Report type" to "Brief text report" to receive a very short/compact message with the details, so there is no need to scroll/search for the information
3) on Configuration -> Message settings page (if you use the default detailed report) you can ebable which section(s) should be included in the detailed report. You may remove unwanted items/sections which may not change/not required, to make things faster and easier to find.
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