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Computer Reboot In Middle of Surface test -> Reinitialize di

Posted: 2019.05.31. 09:10
by Tel1
I was in the middle of running the last test of the recommended tests for a new drive running HD Sentinel Pro on a 10TB drive,

1) Disk -> Short self test
2) Disk -> Extended self test
3) Disk -> Surface test -> Read test
4) Disk -> Surface test -> Reinitialize disk surface

The, 4) Disk -> Surface test -> Reinitialize disk surface, only had 6 hours left on a 43 hour test when my laptop rebooted because of stupid Windows updates that were turned off. My question is should I redo all the tests again or just the last test, Disk -> Surface test -> Reinitialize disk surface?


Re: Computer Reboot In Middle of Surface test -> Reinitializ

Posted: 2019.05.31. 12:22
by hdsentinel
No, of course you do not need to re-run all tests (if the previous tests showed no errors).

Do you remember (approximately) the last position of the test? If I calculate well, 37/43 x 100 = about 86% of the test already completed.
If you prefer, you can start the test from that position (or step back a bit just to be sure) so then you'd not need to re-start if from the beginning.

For this, please select

Disk menu -> Surface test -> Reinitialize disk surface and select the disk drive - but before starting the test, select Configuration tab in this window where you can select the test type.
There is an option "Limit testing to specific data blocks" where you can specify (for example)
First block = 8500
Last block = 9999 (the default)

and then run the test. This would test only the last 15% of the disk drive, which should save lots of time as there is no need to re-test the part which is already completed.

Re: Computer Reboot In Middle of Surface test -> Reinitializ

Posted: 2019.06.01. 01:32
by Tel1
Thanks for the prompt response. I have resume testing. So far so good.

Thanks again.