Temperature Thresholds per drive option

Any new ideas, possible impromevents for future versions.
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Temperature Thresholds per drive option

Post by Submarinesailor »

I have a mixture of spinning disk drives, standard SSD's, and an M.2 slotted drive (NVME Samsung 950 Pro). The hard drives should be cooled to around 25 degrees C, but the NVME drive (which is right below the GPU) can get up to 60 degrees C before temperature becomes a problem.

I recommend adding an option to set individual temperature thresholds per drive. Currently I get an alert each time the computer is operating because my NVME drive is at 43 degrees which is fine for that drive, but I won't get an alert if the other drives start heating up until way past where I feel comfortable with their temps.
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Re: Temperature Thresholds per drive option

Post by hdsentinel »

Thanks for your message.

Of course this is already available for very long time:
please click the Temperature page and in the upper right area (next to the Temperature bar) you may notice a "Set custom temperature thresholds" label. Click on that to configure custom temperature thresholds for this device only - so then it will trigger alerts on reaching these thresholds.
In newest Hard Disk Sentinel versions, you can also simply double click on the temperature bar next to this label.
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