Backup drive statistics?

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Backup drive statistics?

Post by dontcare »

Hard Disk Sentinel does some drive statistics, e.g. total writes since installation, which is quite interesting if using an SSD. However it may happen that one re-installs windows. In that case, is there any way to backup and restore drive statistics? There are some files in the HD Sentinel application folder, can I just use those and restore them? Is there any file that stores the total writes since installation in plain text? Seems like the files in the application folder are binary \:
Thank you very much :-)
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Re: Backup drive statistics?

Post by hdsentinel »

Thanks for your question.

Simply saving the files would not backup all information, I recommend to use the following method instead:

Configuration -> Update -> Backup configuration
function is designed exactly for this purpose: to backup all settings, statistics, drive information, registration details to a single file.
After re-install, you can use Configuration -> Update -> Restore configuration
to restore everything back.
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Re: Backup drive statistics?

Post by dontcare »

Thank you for your fast reply! It's a little bit hidden in Update ;-) Maybe make a extra menu point for that? Anyway, now I know it. Next question: Can the exporting be batch-automated?
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Re: Backup drive statistics?

Post by hdsentinel »

Sorry for the "hidden" place for this function ;)

At the moment, it is not automatic, you may need to perform this backup manually.

However, if you prefer to export everything scheduled, you may consider the following method:

1) select Configuration -> Advanced Options -> Change folder to store statistics and settings
and configure a folder where the software should put all information.

2) That folder can be archived any time. If you have Hard Disk Sentinel Pro, you can even configure
a project to backup this folder for example on every monday (or even every day).

This way you'll have an automatic backup. To restore (after re-install) you'd only need to
register and activate the software again, configure the data storage folder (as described on step 1)
and restore the files to that folder when Hard Disk Sentinel is not active. On next restart, it will
immediately load all data archived previously.

Hope this helps :)
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Re: Backup drive statistics?

Post by dontcare »

Thank you for your great support! Two wishes for further versions:
- Direct batch support (hdsentinel -backup_config config.bak, then one can copy config.bak somewhere, easy to integrate than scheduled stuff)
- Monitoring SSD writes is a thing that is probably very interesting for many people. HD Sentinel shows what's totally written, but not by which process - adding actual and total written data by process wouldbe a great feature. maybe make a small tool out of it.
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Re: Backup drive statistics?

Post by hdsentinel »

Thanks for your ideas and suggestions!

I agree that these may be nice additions! Will check the possibilities and it is possible that these functions will be available in a later version.
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