Toshiba 4 TB HDD errors

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Toshiba 4 TB HDD errors

Post by BadHDD »

It's a Toshiba Canvio external hdd. So I've had a bit of a problem with this drive disappearing when trying to access certain files. At first I tried "disk repair" option and it would get stuck and throw "error 1 incorrect function" on certain blocks. Then I read up on the "reinitialize disk surface" feature and decided to let it run. So It did, below are the results.
3tb rein sfce.JPG
3tb rein sfce.JPG (237.46 KiB) Viewed 1951 times
But after it I also ran the "disc repair" again and it still showed red blocks. Same errors , unable to detect partition / logical drive information.
The Health went back to 52%, it says there are 160 weak sectors found. Now what can I do here and what do these errors mean? Are they fixable at all ?
3tb rpair.JPG
3tb rpair.JPG (318.55 KiB) Viewed 1951 times
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Re: Toshiba 4 TB HDD errors

Post by hdsentinel »

Please check the suggested link in the text description when weak / pending sectors detected, reported:

( Support -> Frequently Asked Questions -> What is a weak sector? How to repair weak sectors? )

Yes, it mentions both tests to be used to repair the sectors but it explains what are these weak sectors, how they may appear, what to do to avoid themin general.

Weak / pending sectors and all the troubles around them usually caused by cables, connections, insufficient power for proper operation: these are VERY frequent issues related to 2.5" USB hard disks (especially high capacity hard disks, like your one). Usually the hard disk simply does not receive enough power for proper operation and as a result, sectors can damage and the drive operation can be very slow / unresponsive. Using the drive this way for long time can permanently damage it can cause data loss.

Disk testing, repairing can help - but if the original cause of the problem not fixed, it is completely normal and expected to see new and new errors again and again. In most cases, this is not really hard disk error, the hard disk "just" suffers and can hardly work.

I suggest to please verify the cables, connections. Connect the hard disk with shortest possible USB 3.0 cable to USB 3.0 slot on the BACK of the computer (if it's a desktop PC), avoid front panel USB 3.0 connections. Avoid USB 3.0 cable extenders too.
A good solution can be to use an USB 3.0 hub with external power supply for this hard disk drive: then the drive will probably receive more power for proper operation and then ideally after the repairing, a further read test will show no more troubles.
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Re: Toshiba 4 TB HDD errors

Post by BadHDD »

Thanks for the reply.

I have used usb 3.0 with it in the back of the motherboard, and the cable is original (already short). There is no way to change the cable because Toshiba uses a proprietary port. It's also impossible to connect to sata, because the pcb inside is made directly for their USB cable.

Your suggestion for the USB hub makes sense.
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