Changing configuration when HDS is running as service

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Changing configuration when HDS is running as service

Post by vknowles »

I guess the subject just about captures my question. I have HDS running as a service, and it is doing its job. I just thought I would change some configuration options, like the alert email address, but I cannot see a way to open the configuration dialog.

Reading the Help file, it looks like the only thing I can do is uninstall HDS, reinstall it, set up my configuration, then click on Use As Service again.

Is there any other way to get it to run as an application for a while, then go back to running as a service?

I've been using HDS for over a year, and I like it a lot.

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Re: Changing configuration when HDS is running as service

Post by hdsentinel »

Thanks for your message and kind words !

Yes, this is normal: due to service restrictions of Windows, in Service mode, it is not possible to access the Hard Disk Sentinel main window or the Configuration window, as then the service runs only in the background with the pre-configured settings.

No, uninstallation is not easiest or the preferred way.

The best way is to use the "Stop service" shortcut from the Hard Disk Sentinel program group which stops the service and asks if you want to switch back the software to Application mode?
If you click Yes, then Hard Disk Sentinel will be restarted in application mode (when its complete user interface accessible, so it is possible to adjust the configuriation, perform changes etc.) And then yes, when you finished, you can switch again to Service mode at Configuration -> Integration page.
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Joined: 2014.07.12. 02:31

Re: Changing configuration when HDS is running as service

Post by vknowles »

Excellent! That works perfectly. Thanks!
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