Surface Scan a Range?

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Surface Scan a Range?

Post by ChadCK »

Is it possible to just suface scan a range of sectors? I've done a Surface Scan - READ, and it found a bad sector and then a few slow spots after it. I would like to do the write-read-write to fix that spot but don't want to do the entire disk when it would be really fast just to do it to that group of sectors and be done. Any chance of that, or will I have to do the write-read-write to the entire 3tb disk? :(
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Re: Surface Scan a Range?

Post by hdsentinel »

Of course it is posible to perform the surface test on the specified range:
just open Disk menu -> Surface test window, select the test type and the appropriate hard disk and before starting the test, click on the "Configuration" tab.
There are lots of options to control how the test should be processed and in the bottom left area you may notice "Limit testing to specific data blocks" option. By that, you can specify the block(s) to be tested with the range (by start and end block number).
The previous READ test showed the block number with the failing sector, so you can specify that if you prefer to test only the sectors in that block.
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