
How, what, where and why - when using the software.
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Post by kburra »

I am using HD Sentinel and the report said 26% Health (see pic)also could you please tell how HD calculates reaming life?....thanks :)

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Re: Lifetime

Post by hdsentinel »

Please see the Help -> Appendix -> Health calculation and Power on time, remaining lifetime sections. These describe how the health calculated (based on the problems) and how the estimated remaining lifetime calculated (based on the total power on time and the current health).

You may access the complete help by pressing F1 or online at

Yes, this is a problem, personally I'd perform a complete backup and intensive testing (as described at ) to verify if the status is stable: to reveal any kind of possible other issues or to confirm that all problems revealed and the hard disk can still be used (because of its health, only for secondary storage).
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Joined: 2014.08.16. 01:40

Re: Lifetime

Post by kburra »

Thank you appreciate reply :)
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