A dodgy shutdown result

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A dodgy shutdown result

Post by Edenwik1 »

I previously sent in a report of my HD sentinel stating my main hard-disk was at 93%, I've verified that the cables were all attached properly and checked, but the result hasn't changed. It seems to go lower in percentage.

I've kept an eye on any change made, although, it seems when I also restart my computer or do a disk-check via windows 7, it changes, too. It's now at 86%.
The hard drive is new, and it hasn't had a dodgy shut down or any problems until late last week.



I'm not sure of what to do as of now, but I would really love to get the health back up to 100% if possible. Thanks!
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Re: A dodgy shutdown result

Post by hdsentinel »

Thanks for the information and the images.

Yes, generally attributes 187 Reported uncorrectable errors and 188 Command timeout are the problematic ones, they seem constantly record new and new problems which result the error message and the lower health you see.

Generally these issues are recorded during the complete lifetime of the hard disk, so changing/fixing cables and connections does not remove these problems automatically. But after that, it is possible to clear the error counters in Hard Disk Sentinel, to acknowledge the problems and get notification only about posslbe new issues.
Generally, www.hdsentlnel.com -> Support -> Knowledge base -> Hard Disk Cases -> Communication errors page ( http://www.hdsentinel.com/hard_disk_cas ... _error.php ) shows this procedure (just with an other attribute which is usually more affected by such issues) and possible causes of the original problems.

If new errors reported after checking/fixing cables, then it is possible that there is something else in the background. As the bottom of http://www.hdsentinel.com/hard_disk_cas ... _error.php shows: Other system factors (for example generic overheat, not stable power source, overclocking) can also cause data communication issues. It is recommended to verify and eliminate these issues also if possible.

I'd recommend to check these other factors - and if possible, I'd also suggest to try using the hard disk for some hours (by high number of disk operations, eg. copy big files) in an external hard disk enclosure / docking station OR in an other computer, just to verify if the error-counters change there as well or not.
This would help to diagnose if the issue is related to the actual computer or something in the operating environment, which would need to be improved: otherwise (even it is possible to clear the error counters and restore the health of the hard disk to 100%) new issues may be reported again with time.
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