Short self test not completing

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Short self test not completing

Post by cosmoneer »


I searched the forums and found a not-completely releated post and figured my issue is different, since the drive being accessed is not mounted to windows and has no volumes loaded to it. It is basically an unformatted drive. ... est#p11923

I am attempting to run a self-test on this drive attached to a Dell Perc 6/i in RAID 0 mode (single drive) and the self-test never completes.
Stuck Self Test Image
Stuck Self Test Image
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Re: Short self test not completing

Post by hdsentinel »

Probably the drive internal firmware may work slightly differently than expected.

Generally that value should reflect the current test progress and the results, see the following images as the self test is progressing:



It seems this drive may either not support the self test at all - or "just" does not provide any progress / response.

If possible, please try to send developer report (as described in the other topic) as then it is possible to check the response of this particular drive.
You may even send multiple times:
- once before starting the test
- once after the test is running for 10-15 minutes and click on the Background button
as this way it is possible to examine the possible changes, verify if the self test progress / result can be checked (if it may be reported differently than expected).
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Joined: 2019.02.22. 07:10

Re: Short self test not completing

Post by cosmoneer »

Developer report sent.
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