Search found 6 matches

by zakhail
2011.12.12. 18:16
Forum: Questions
Topic: surface test results
Replies: 3
Views: 7883

Re: surface test results

but in my case bad sectors appears on write-test and processing it.
by zakhail
2011.12.12. 14:25
Forum: Questions
Topic: error: 23 (cyclic redandancy check)
Replies: 3
Views: 13203

Re: error: 23 (cyclic redandancy check)

thanks for reply but i got this error while the test is bieng in progress in Surface test -> "Reinitialise disk surface" mode , so is this mean that if that couldn,t repair will it still be able to result in succesful test ? or that mean i should not let it run anymore?
by zakhail
2011.12.12. 14:20
Forum: Questions
Topic: surface test results
Replies: 3
Views: 7883

surface test results

hi , i just want to know when does surface test will make affects on bad sectors if it finds one , will it repair it stright away or will repair it at the end of test ? and one thing more i want to know is , is it normal to appear bad or damaged blocks on surface test while it repairs? or in progres...
by zakhail
2011.12.12. 14:08
Forum: Questions
Topic: error: 23 (cyclic redandancy check)
Replies: 3
Views: 13203

error: 23 (cyclic redandancy check)

hi, could somebody explain what this error for ?
i got this error on surface test and it,s currently testing a bad block and gives this error
by zakhail
2011.12.11. 14:25
Forum: Questions
Topic: error 21 and error 27 on write test*
Replies: 3
Views: 10685

Re: error 21 and error 27 on write test*

thanks for your informative reply , after being in process all night when i woke up this morning i have suprised with a new error: 1., Incorrect function, this is going for all remaining blocks i guess, hard disk loooks like in idle mode , the light on caddy in which the HD is connected is yellow' a...
by zakhail
2011.12.10. 23:05
Forum: Questions
Topic: error 21 and error 27 on write test*
Replies: 3
Views: 10685

error 21 and error 27 on write test*

here is my story , I have a bad laptop hard disk which got currepted infront of me while windows carshed, tried to repair but diks was loading to certain point and then wouldnt go ahead to repair or install option , so finally pulled it out and connected to another laptop via usb Y cable , windows g...